Upgrade Your Electroforming Setup with This Ingenious Solution - Anode cage

Upgrade Your Electroforming Setup with This Ingenious Solution -Anode cage- Electroforming is an exciting process that allows you to create intricate copper objects with unique textures and shapes. However, connecting multiple copper anodes to the power source can be a real challenge. That's where an anode cage comes in. An anode cage is a conductive grid made of a metal, such as titanium or platinum, that is inert to the acidic environment of the electroforming tank. It connects multiple copper anodes together and holds them securely in place during the electroforming process. This eliminates the need for clips and wires, simplifying the setup and improving the overall efficiency of the electroforming process. To make an anode cage, start by cutting a plane grid of titanium or platinum in half and shaping it to fit the dimensions of your electroforming container. You can use an angle grinder and a hammer to shape the cage. Once you have the shape you need, prepare an...