Copper Electroformed Miniature Tree
May 16th is a day of love for nature and especially for trees. It is the “Hug a Tree” day and for the occasion I wanted to make a miniature tree made out of copper and I used Aventurine pebbles to rese mble leaves. Tools and material: some pruning from a tree a piece of cork CA Glue Apoxie Sculpt Disposable Gloves Conductive Paint --------> My recipe here Aventurine UV Resin Copper Wire Liver of Sulfur Nippers Bandsaw or a Hacksaw Rotary tool Round Burrs Bit Drill press or hand drill a drill bit of the diameter of the “trunk” Silicone tool brush Balled tool Brush UV Lamp Cotton swab All the electroforming supplies Plastic Container Respirator Mask Radial Bristle Brush 600 grit Radial Bristle Brush 2000 grit From the pruning I saved last time I cleaned my Lemon Tree, I choose a branch that looked perfect to be the trunk. The nippers weren't strong enough to cut big parts, so I used my bandsaw to...